Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din BE2497 Luang Phor Chong (Lp Chong / Lp Jong) Wat Natangnok, Ayutthaya

Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din BE2497 Luang Phor Chong (Lp Chong / Lp Jong) Wat Natangnok, Ayutthaya

龍婆鐘女皇佛佛年2497 Wat Natangnok, Ayutthaya
Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din BE2497 
Luang Phor Chong (Lp Chong / Lp Jong) Wat Natangnok, Ayutthaya

Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din BE2497 Luang Phor Chong (Lp Chong / Lp Jong) Wat Natangnok, Ayutthaya
Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din BE2497 Luang Phor Chong (Lp Chong / Lp Jong) Wat Natangnok, Ayutthaya

The History of Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din – B.E. 2497 (1954), Luang Phor Chong, Wat Natangnok

Introduction to Luang Phor Chong and His Spiritual Influence

Luang Phor Chong, the revered abbot of Wat Natangnok in Ayutthaya, Thailand, was one of the most respected monks of his era. Born in B.E. 2415 (1872), he ordained as a monk in B.E. 2436 (1893) and became a devoted disciple of renowned monks such as:

  • Luang Phor Soon of Wat Bangplamoh
  • Luang Phor Paan of Wat Pikulsokant
  • Luang Phor Parn of Wat Bangnomkho

Luang Phor Chong was widely known for his profound meditative abilities, mastery of sacred spells (Wicha), and deep understanding of Buddhist teachings. His amulets are renowned for their strong protective powers and spiritual blessings.

The Creation of Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din Amulet (B.E. 2497 / 1954)

In B.E. 2497 (1954), Luang Phor Chong undertook the creation of the Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din amulet. This sacred artifact is made of blessed baked clay (Nur Din) and features a smooth back (Lang Yant), distinguishing it from other versions of Phra Nang Phaya amulets.

The front design of the amulet depicts a Buddha image in the traditional Nang Phaya posture, symbolizing grace, spiritual authority, and wisdom. The amulet was meticulously created through a series of sacred rituals conducted by Luang Phor Chong and other senior monks, ensuring its spiritual potency.

Sacred Materials Used in the Amulet

The Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din was crafted using a combination of auspicious materials collected from various sacred sites, including:

  • Blessed clay and soil from holy temples
  • Sacred powders from ancient Buddhist scriptures
  • Flower pollen and plant-based holy substances
  • Ashes from burned sacred manuscripts (Bailan)

These materials were blended using traditional Thai-Buddhist techniques, following strict ritualistic procedures to enhance the amulet’s power and efficacy.

Spiritual Significance and Powers of the Amulet

The Phra Nang Phaya amulets have long been referred to as the "Queen of Amulets", traditionally associated with feminine grace and empowerment. However, Luang Phor Chong’s version of the amulet is revered for its unique combination of protective and prosperity-related properties, making it suitable for both men and women.

The amulet is believed to provide:

  • Metta Maha Niyom – Enhancing personal charm and influence.
  • Klaew Klaad – Offering protection from harm and danger.
  • Kongkraphan Chatri – Bestowing invulnerability and shielding the wearer from accidents and misfortune.

Because of these powerful attributes, the Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din is highly sought after by individuals seeking personal safety, success, and spiritual protection.

The Legacy of Luang Phor Chong

Luang Phor Chong dedicated his life to preserving Buddhist teachings, guiding his disciples, and blessing sacred objects for the benefit of his followers. His amulets, particularly the Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din, remain one of the most revered and highly valued artifacts in Thai Buddhist history.

On February 17, B.E. 2508 (1965), Luang Phor Chong passed away on Makha Bucha Day, a significant Buddhist observance. His legacy continues to live on through his teachings, amulets, and the countless devotees who seek his blessings.


The Phra Nang Phaya Lang Yant Nur Din amulet from B.E. 2497 represents one of the most powerful and spiritually significant creations of Luang Phor Chong. Due to its sacred origins, careful craftsmanship, and strong spiritual influence, this amulet remains a highly prized possession for collectors, practitioners, and those who believe in the power of Thai Buddhist amulets.

